
Rabu, 21 November 2012

3 Friend

on one day there were three friends who worked as a janitor in a kingdom that is Riuki, Riuga, Kiva. at the time of the king's daughter is kidnapped by princess Hime the kidnappers and ransom to the king. the king had asked the guards to go rescue the princess, but no one wants because kidnappers are known to be very cruel. three friends suggested that the They want menyelamarkan the princess and the proposal was approved by the king. they were going to save the princess and they dubbed like 3 musketeer.
the way they fight the dragon fire, ice, earth, and wind, but they get through it and get the dark palace. a guard at the gate of the big giant but stupid. they also took the giant to suit and Riuki a win then they are allowed to enter the palace, in which they fight with the criminals and they win, then they can take hime to a royal princess. three friends are now remembered as the three musketeers.
by : Akbar

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